Top tips for moving house with children

Children are often the reason we move house – we need to upsize, or move nearer to a good school, or nearer to work so we can have more time at home. But moving house with children is no easy task, so we’ve put together some top tips to make your family move a bit smoother. 

Before the move

Talk about it

Even very little children are impacted by change, and it can make a difference to them even if they’re not old enough to remember it. No matter how little your children are, talk to them about your house move. Explain what’s going to happen and reassure them that, while home will seem different for a while, it will all be OK in the end. There are some great books on moving aimed at pre-schoolers, like this one available at Surrey libraries.

Tell school you’re moving

Apart from the fact that you should let your children’s school know the new address, telling school you’re moving house makes it easier for them to support your child. If your child is worried, or behaving out of character, it’s good for school to understand what could be behind it. 

Let them help

Children often cope better with upheaval if they’re involved. They’re not necessarily the fastest packers (!) but letting them pack some of their own stuff will help them feel more in control and positive about the move. 

Decoy packing is a good strategy if your children are very little. Give them a box, a few toys and some newspaper and let them pack and unpack (and get in the box!) as many times as they like while you do the real packing. 

You know your children best – do what you think is most likely to work! 

Pack your children’s stuff where you can find it

Try and pack your children’s things separately so you can quickly find them when you unpack. Again, you know your children best and you know what’s important to them, whether it’s eating off a familiar plate or sleeping under the right duvet cover. Label the box – it’s easy to think you’ll remember but trust us, you won’t! 

Moving day

Get a babysitter

Unless your children are old enough to provide uncomplaining people power, or you’ve outsourced the whole job to a removal company, get a babysitter. Moving day is stressful and you have serious work to do – sitting quietly and not getting in the way is a lot to expect of anyone still at primary school. 

Prioritise your children’s unpacking and needs

The new house will seem strange at first, so help your children get used to it by unpacking and installing their familiar things first. Rebuild their beds before the other furniture, and set up the TV so they can watch favourite programmes. It may feel odd having untidy boxes in the lounge and super-organised kids’ bedrooms, but the whole house will soon be sorted, we promise. 

Sell a family house in Guildford

We’ve helped countless families upsize and downsize in the Guildford area. To find out how we can help you sell your house, get in touch today on 01483 457 000. 

Top tips for moving house with children

Posted on Aug 24 2022 by Cobbles

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