Downsizing or upsizing your home

Whatever kind of home you have, there will eventually come a time when it doesn’t meet your needs as well as it used to. Perhaps you have another baby on the way; perhaps your children have grown up and left you with an empty nest. Whatever the reason, it’s usually a good idea to move to the right size of property for your needs.

Why should I upsize or downsize?

We all know there’s a high demand for housing, particularly in Guildford and the South East. One thing we can all do to help the situation is to free up property by moving to the right size of residence for us and our families. 

Some couples whose children have moved out are still living in their large family homes, which people planning to start families would love to move into. If the “empty nesters” were to downsize, it would make family homes available to those who need them. It would also save money, as a smaller property has cheaper council tax and utility bills, and is usually easier to look after and maintain. 

In a similar way, young professionals moving into the area for work would love to live in those small flats that the parents-to-be are desperate to move out of. 

However you feel about the property you are living in now, it could well be the perfect property for someone else. 

Selling your home when you’re upsizing 

It’s relatively easy to sell a home that you’ve enjoyed living in. For example, if you live in a three-bedroom house and you use all the bedrooms, it’s easy to show a buyer how the space would work for them. 

However, it’s more of a challenge to sell a home when it’s not the right size for you. If you’re hoping to upsize, you’re probably finding your current home a bit of a squeeze. It might well look cluttered, just because there are too many people for the living space. In turn, this can make it look unappealing to buyers. 

Fortunately, there are some solutions to this problem. Decluttering is the obvious one. You might also consider renting a storage unit and moving anything not completely necessary into it. Depending on your situation, you might even consider moving in with friends or relatives while you get your home ready to sell. 

Selling your home when you’re downsizing

If you are selling a house in order to downsize, you might still need to do a bit of preparation before you put it on the market. 

If it has become cluttered over the years, a good clear out is probably in order. If you’re selling a three bedroom house, arrange it like one, even if you’re only using one of the bedrooms. That will help a family to imagine living there, instead of having to picture themselves sleeping in your sewing room or music room. 

At the other extreme, you may not be using all the rooms at the moment. Look at each one with a buyer in mind and consider what impression the room is making. Does it look appealing or could it use a lick of paint? Check that everything still works too, particularly plumbing and electrics. 

Sell your Guildford home with Cobbles

Whether you’re upsizing or downsizing, Cobbles can help you sell your home. We are experienced at selling in the Guildford area and can always advise you on how to get the most from your property. To find out more, contact us today on 01483 457 000.

Downsizing or upsizing your home

Posted on Oct 25 2021 by

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